Nordic walking on Saturday or Wednesday (specified)
Rentilly, le 14 décembre
Séance d'étirements.
Jean Yves Philippe
Rentilly, le 14 décembre
Petite froideur en début de marche, mais finalement un bon temps pour notre activité.
Jean Yves Philippe
Solers, le 22 juin
A Solers, le parcours a été effectué sous une petite bruine. Nous sommes passés sur le pont bossu, au dessus de la rivière l'Yerres, puis sur la passerelle.
Jean Yves Philippe
Voulangis, le 15 juin
Pour cette séance Marche Nordique nous avons choisi d'aller vers la commune de Voulangis (77), pour prendre un peu de hauteur (dénivelés), et nous changer du terrain plat de la forêt de Ferrières.
Tout le monde a bien passé les 4 grimpettes du parcours. Bravo à tous.
Les animateurs.
Jean Daniel et Jean Yves
Roissy en Brie, le 16 décembre
Le Père Noël et les petits lutins, pour la dernière marche nordique de l'année 2023.
Vin chaud, pain d'épices, cake… pour terminer en beauté.
De très bonnes fêtes à tous.
Jean Yves Philippe
Roissy en brie, le 30 septembre
Grosse affluence ce matin, 24 marcheurs/ses motivés, pour effectuer le tour de Roissy par la piscine le Nautil (11 km ±), et avec le soleil . Bravo à tous.
Jean-Yves Philippe

Champcueil, le 8 juillet
La dernière Marche Nordique de la saison, à Champcueil (91). Forêt des grands Avaux, sous une forte chaleur, mais toujours dans la bonne humeur. A suivi, un pique-nique.
Jean-Yves Philippe
Dammartin sur Tigeaux, le 10 juin
Les participants et le moulin de Prémol
Jean-Yves Philippe
Roissy étang du Coq, le 17 décembre
Engagez-vous, engagez-vous qu’ils disaient. Et pour attirer le chaland, les animateurs ont même promis un vin chaud, après la séance de marche nordique. Voici donc les participants alléchés par cette promesse, et prêts à tout pour tremper des lèvres gourmandes dans la potion magique préparée par notre druide vénéré Fernandix Bordix.
Ceci posé, il faut, avant cette récompense, affronter quand même le froid. Et ça pèle, et ça gèle. Même si notre armée de mères et de pères Noël coiffés des chauds bonnets rouges et blancs, sont habitués à parcourir les contrées enneigées sur leurs traîneaux électriques équipés de pompes à chaleur et de chauffe-eau thermodynamiques, l’ambiance est glaciale…. Jusqu’à ce que notre Père Jean Yves Noël en chef, ne se décide à dégeler l’assistance avec des échauffements hystériques et complètement bios, sur une musique entraînante. Les mouvements produisant de l’énergie, voici des bonnets qui s’allument, et font étinceler des diodes facétieuses. Et comme le dit la chanson, tout finit en dansant !!! On nez chaud, alors, en navrant !!!
Nous longeons le Morbras, transperçons la voie ferrée. Quelques buttes plus loin, nous voici dans les bois précédant l’étang du Coq (je résume). Nous perdons dans les taillis quelques marcheurs, euses, pressés, ées de marquer le territoire pour chasser les intrus. Heureusement, les voici peu de temps après jaillissant de la lisière, à pas comptés pour rejoindre le reste du groupe de marcheurs empereurs, serrés les uns contre les autres, pour se tenir chaud, à côté de la banquise de l’étang. Car la surface est gelée, et pas qu’un peu. A tel point qu’il est question d’y lâcher des ours blancs pour rééquilibrer l’écosystème de cet environnement perturbé par la présence de l’homme. En effet, des études récentes très sérieuses notent d’importantes colonies de randonneurs pléthoriques à réguler.
Nous profitons de l’absence provisoire de ces carnassiers pour prendre tranquillement la traditionnelle photo de groupe. Tout le monde a réussi à rentrer dans l’objectif. Peut-être pour s’y tenir au chaud ?
Nous repartons vers la piscine du Nautil, négligeant l’aire de pique-nique pourtant si accueillante. Le chemin qui longe ensuite la route devrait être boueux. Pas de chance pour la gadoue collante qui enchante nos lavabos au retour des sorties. Tout est gelé. Merci père Noël. Comme dit le proverbe : « quand la Brie est gelée, les godasses sont sauvées ».
Continuons en rentrant dans le bois. S’ensuit une longue ligne droite d’abord par une belle allée qui, petit à petit, se rétrécit en un sentier herbeux et sinuant. Nous entendons des détonations de fusils de chasse. Probablement un lâcher de randonneurs. Constatant que nous sommes les seuls dans cette forêt, il s’agit sans doute de nous. Horreur !! Alors, courage fuyons !
Arrivés à la route d’Ozoir hors d’haleine, nous constatons les premières défections. Christine fatiguée par notre fuite éperdue, et attirée par l’odeur du café, part se réfugier chez Xavier et Isabelle.
Les survivants continuent gaillardement en direction de Roissy. Arrivés au passage à niveau (je résume encore), c’est la débandade. Le groupe s’étire mais pas comme on aurait pu le penser ! Les plus gourmands filent directement chez Fernand. D’autres vont dans une direction inconnue du grand public. D’autres encore partent récupérer leurs voitures au stade. Quel bazar !! Pourvu que nous nous retrouvions tous chez Fernand.
Et c’est en père Noël qu’il nous accueille chaleureusement à côté d’une machine infernale. Elle fournit un délicieux vin chaud, à la composition ultra secrète. Au premier verre, nous voici tout ragaillardis. Une vraie potion magique. Nous dégustons les pâtisseries et autres douceurs amenées par les uns et les autres. Profitons de ce moment festif et amical fort bien venu, après avoir affronté les frimas. La source de vin chaud pilotée par un Fernand imperturbable débite en permanence, et semble intarissable. Les gosiers s’esbaudissent, les joues se rosissent et les toilettes se remplissent. Bref, c’est la fête. Un grand merci à Françoise et Fernand pour leur accueil. Nous clôturons ainsi de belle manière, la fin de notre année nordiquement marcheuse. Rendez-vous est pris pour l’année prochaine, si le foie gras et le champagne nous le permettent, car il reste deux gros obstacles à passer : Noël et le jour de l’an. Comme dirait l’autre : « mens sana in corpore sano et allez y mollo ».
Bises à tous et joyeuses fêtes.
Jean Daniel Gasparini
Bois Saint Martin - Pontault par Denfert-Rochereau, le 10 décembre
J’ai un scoop : il fait froid ce samedi matin ! Malgré tout, nous voici 14 à partir explorer les allées magnifiques du bois Saint Martin récemment ouvert au public, dans la banlieue de Pontault Combault. Nous nous échauffons comme des bêtes. Et… c’est parti.
Avant d’entrer dans le bois, on est prié de se salir les chaussures dans la pataugeoire boueuse en travers du portail métallique.
Des chênes magnifiques nous observent nonchalamment grimper à vive allure la rampe du pont qui enjambe la voie ferrée. Virage serré à gauche avec dérapage contrôlé, reprise de la vitesse dans la ligne droite avec arrêt au stand pour vidange et remplissage du réservoir, le tout en un minimum de temps, puis passage de la baïonnette de la mort, et pointe de vitesse dans la ligne droite des Hunaudières.
Nouvel arrêt au stand. Michèle disparaît loin dans les bois effeuillés en quête d’un petit coin bucolique pour méditer sur la vanité de ce monde cruel. Nous attendons patiemment son retour, et dans un jaillissement de mottes de terre projetées par nos mollets surpuissants, nous reprenons nos cadences infernales jusqu’à la gare des Yvris. D’un commun accord, et pour limiter la production de CO2, nous n’irons pas à Denfert Rochereau, et donc, continuons en sautant allègrement la voie ferrée jusqu’au bois de Célie.
Un sentier mangé par les troncs abattus et des lianes envahissantes, nous y mène dans une lumière sombre, et quasi crépusculaire !! Un petit pont au-dessus du Merderet (mais oui c’est un ruisseau), une grande allée plus tard, et nous faisons halte au bord de l’étang dont je n’ai pas le nom, et que j’ai la flemme de chercher. Une photo nous regroupe pour fixer cet instant, dont on reparlera dans des siècles, et nous revenons au point de départ (c’est malin !!), par sentiers et larges allées.
Au total 10,346 km à 5,8 km/h chronométrés par Rolex, la marque des champions.
Bon, on s’étire, et on se tire, et vite, car il fait bien froid.
Cette fois-ci, nous n’avons pas encore réussi à semer notre nouvelle marcheuse Marie Agnès. Incroyable comme elle s’accroche ! Souhaitons-lui la bienvenue, mais nous réessaierons la prochaine fois !
Bravo à toutes et à tous pour cette belle balade. Vite à samedi prochain, surtout pour le vin chaud qui nous attend après !!
Jean Daniel Gasparini

Roissy-en-Brie/Pontcarré, le 15 octobre
Les 12 marcheurs « Nordique » du jour. Petite bruine au départ, mais petit soleil au retour (11 km).
L'automne déploie ses couleurs, l'arbre est un chêne des marais..
Jean-Yves Philippe
Rods, June 4
As promised, we have an appointment at the bottom of the tigeaux cauldron, near the town hall. 10 brave women ready to tackle the slopes. It hasn't rained soap or water, and the floor is dry and grippy.
It's going to be hard on the thighs!!
The temperature is at the top, neither too high nor too cold, just right. You know, it's like in the kitchen, we prepare menus at room temperature, before putting in the oven! We have the choice, speaking of the oven, between manual cooking with generous sunshine, or potentially electric cooking with storms predicted by the weather. I told you about a group of brave people. So we dab the coquillard with a lobster tibia, and ignoring these minor inconveniences, we begin a series of warm-ups, just to prepare the bones of our small joints as a gestural aperitif.
This outing will be under the sign of Italian gastronomy. But I'm not telling you everything now, be patient as the devil!
So, here we go by an immediate slope in pleasant fresh and benevolent undergrowth. Well, it goes up and it goes down. I'm writing it right away and I won't come back to it again.
Crossing a large grain field (I'm careful!) brings us to a crossroads, and Isabelle and Xavier pull out a secret weapon. This is a “pane forte” brought back from their trip to Tuscany. A delicious lembas given by the fairy Galadriel, and which fills the appetite with only a crumb. Autonomy guaranteed!!! Given the staggering amount of peaks to climb around, we devour all of this delicious entremet which will provide us with energy for at least the whole week! Thanks to Isabelle and Xavier for this delicate attention filled with almonds among others. Take a good look at the photos of this delicious product because there are none left.
The photos and videos will complete this short report. Note a buffet stop in front of magnificent carmine pink flowers, first identified as orchids. Profound error rightly strikes us Frédérique, who identifies sweet peas. Kudos to his insight.
Express return by the top of Tigeaux, and we go down by the war memorial whose rooster remains dumb with amazement, seeing us come back so quickly. Agnès offers us her stretches, and it's the great return to the fold. Very nice 10 km outing, with 280 m of elevation gain. Can't wait for next Saturday!!!
Jean-Daniel Gasparini
Bois des Vallières, May 14
The good weather has been maintained all week, the drought is watching us. It's time to go test the slopes of this beautiful little wood, so muddy in normal times. A beautiful course full of bumps under abundant vegetation cover. What happiness!
After an invigorating warm-up to prepare the knees and other ankles, we set off, and reach the wood after crossing a plateau and cultivated fields.
As soon as we enter, we carry out a small technical reminder on the double push, then a long descent brings us to the edge of the Marne, which lazily rolls its waves of a beautiful vegetal green.
We attack the first climb. After a short break, we climb a fairly steep wall. The roots and the stones provide us with welcome support.
We go down to find the Marne still as indolent. We put the cover back on for a second climb that is a little less steep, but a little rougher to finish at the same level as before.
New descent towards the Marne which was furnished with a very indiscreet boat. he distills music at the top of his voice without consideration for this beautiful environment. Let's run away from these bastards, and let's tackle the last climb far from the coolness of the wood, and under the arrows of the rays of an unbridled sun, under a clear sky, and through fields streaked with freshly emerged corn sprouts.
Re-pause near a hangar and the shade of its trees, then 2-3 kilometers bring us back to the start of the loop by the Dhuys aqueduct. Very nice walk in the opinion of the participants, who withstood seasickness very well by linking ups and downs, and we want more!!!
Have a good week and see you next Saturday.
Jean-Daniel Gasparini
Champcueil, May 7
It is in Essonne, in Champcueil whose name smells of the countryside, that we are going on May 7th.
Arrived at the car park, on the edge of the “Grands Avaux” forest, a strange building intrigues: an unusual habitat for a nature immersion course or a spiritual quest?
Patience, the mystery will be solved at 1 p.m.!
Our quest is first of all sporting: swallow sticks in hand 10 kilometers of coast, fake and real dishes, and for the most intrepid, measure yourself against the rocky chaos of the "Bois du Rocher du Duc", for the trifle of 5 small kilometers additional.
The superb forest of the “Grands Avaux” unrolls under our feet pleasant varied paths.
There are first, at the crossroads, strange creatures carved out of two oaks;
These are hills, which thanks to our relentless training (or very little), and to very favorable weather, we cross cheerfully;
They are also our three intrepid comrades whom we find at random on a path ready to do battle with the rocks;
On the plateau, there are traces of the exploitation of the Telegraph sandstone in the 19th century.
And as always at the top the reward: the “Tour du Buisson”, a former astronomical observatory whose tireless climbers we climb the steps.
From the terrace, we weren't promised the moon or the stars, but the Eiffel Tower!!
Alas, the facetious Eiffel Tower hid this afternoon! A nice panorama and some works of art, however, largely reward our efforts.
Climbing down hills strewn with rocks, walking from forest plateaus to cultivated plains, is always a little progress towards happiness, and this is how in the plain at the end of a field of wheat, we found the “Ferme de Noisement”, also called “Ferme du Bonheur”.
After such a discovery, we can only reach the parking lot of the Telegraph happy and without falling.
We find three particularly clever friends there, who have come to accompany us on a gastronomic quest in this strange perched building that is the restaurant “La Chaumière du Télégraphe”! As its name suggests, this establishment, still in the process of being completed, was created by two brothers in 1967, near a former... telegraph!
Now forward all the taste buds! Gers salads, AAAA andouillettes… then Dames blanches, profiteroles… delight our palates.
After this meal on the terrace, where we take advantage of the magnificent oaks, we have to resolve to return.
Then comes the nostalgia sequence! Former “Yéyé”, crazy about “Disco”, regular readers of “Salut les Copains” and “Podium”, here we go to Dannemois to salute the memory of Cloclo. Our journey through the village brings us peacefully to the Moulin, the "House of Happiness" of Cloclo, since 1964, saved by the Lescure family, owner since 1998.
Beautiful day. Thanks to Jean-Yves for this initiative, and congratulations to all, for this moment of conviviality.
Monique Lacoste
Dammartin sur Tigeaux, April 23
It is under a shy sun that we find ourselves at the meeting point not far from the water tower of Dammartin sur Tigeaux.
After the warm-ups of our national Agnès, we attack a superb descent (which we will have to go up later), which brings us to a no less superb bridge, which spans a superb Grand Morin with tumultuous and abundant waters, superb too. . Break for aesthetes to admire the landscape and look for the mill which used to use the power of water in the past. And we go up the slope opposite by rustic paths that lead us to Monthérand at the top of the hill. We cross the village and continue through fields to reach a small wood. Things go wrong, because the descent we take is quite steep and rocky in some places. It becomes extremely subtle following a barely marked trace, witness to its use in the Middle Ages! A few hanging vines and felled trunks across give the landscape the character of a wild and inhospitable jungle. Careful observers will probably have heard Tarzan's calls deep in the woods!! But our valiant Nordic walkers are not impressed by these few details, and transforming themselves into explorers, emerge victoriously from this vegetal jumble, and enjoy the colorful reward of the rapeseed fields stretching out at the bottom of the valley. Direction Serbonne, which we cross to join the road of the small Tourmalet, where we admire the muscles of the cyclists who attack this mythical slope. A winding path takes us through the undergrowth to a tavern, not without admiring the work of agricultural machinery working in a cloud of dust. We cross some pastures, and greet some good-natured cows on the way to find our bridge and our big Morin. Agnès, threatened by a huge chafouin tomcat, and treacherously arriving behind her, takes a picture, risking her life, of our group safe on the bridge. We go up the slope that we have descended so briskly this morning, and happily rediscover these invaluable witnesses of civilization that are our automobiles, not without having scientifically stretched our overworked little muscles under the rule of Agnès, who will definitely have been on all fronts during this ride.
Have a good week everyone.
Jean Daniel Gasparini
Voulangis, April 16
For this Saturday, April 16, a very pleasant weather for the MN, temperature 14/20° and the sun ☀️. A 10 km route around Voulangis (77), alternating between undergrowth, fields and climbs, where 12 Nordic walkers came to sharpen their calves. To do again. Nordic 🙋♂️
Jean-Yves Philippe
Forest of Rougeau, March 19
Today, we are invited by Jean Jacques, head of the Boussy Saint Antoine club, to share a Nordic walking outing in the forest of Rougeau, not far from Carré Sénart. That's good because we're going to start by sharing the generous sun in a clear sky. It limits the biting effects of a light squall which reminds us that we are still in winter.
Jean Yves takes things in hand, I'm talking about the sticks, and warms us up with a few tonic movements conducive to raising the temperature in our little bodily boilers. And off we go for 13 km in this forest, where we go very little.
The ground is "clean", and we progress in the middle of magnificent oaks and small paths where the sticks are planted effectively. The column plays the caterpillar between a group of furious in the lead, and a tail more respectful of energy savings.
We arrive at a magnificent viewpoint overlooking the Seine, at the top of a quarry. We take advantage of this location to stock up on the elevation so rare in our region, and it climbs and descends at full speed, before Jean Jacques fixes the group for a photo immortalizing this moment in front of such a pretty landscape.
And the caterpillar starts again, but the stretching is such that it loses its tail! Fortunately, thanks to the glue of Google Maps, we managed to reunite the two pieces, to take a complete photo of the group in front of the "guardian of the forest", a magnificent resin sculpture patinated by the bad weather of the forest.
We return to the car park, and after stretching, Jean Jacques has concocted a surprise for us. A pot of friendship with a glass of rum with basil, and a magnificent ceramic medallion, original creation by an artist from the club, who wields with virtuosity both the Nordic walking stick and the sculptor's spatula. We will leave on this pleasant memory for the return to Roissy. Thanks to Jean Jacques and Jean Yves, for having organized this very friendly meeting.
Jean Daniel Gasparini
Ferrieres, December 18
This morning, the sky is gray and the damp cold does not encourage many to leave the duvet. Despite this, it is an army of mothers and fathers who spring from the cars. It's modern and more comfortable than the traditional sled with its reindeer that distribute methane at all costs. For motivation, we hesitate between the prospect of playing sports in our favorite discipline, or that of the mulled wine that Fernand was kind enough to prepare for us. I would gladly go for the second option!!! The red and white caps take possession of the heads. We draw light magic sticks for some. The red and white coats partially cover the club green. It is not until the music of Christmas carols to accompany us on our journey.
So it's cold and wet. We need a solid warm-up before embarking on the moderately muddy paths of this invaluable forest of Ferrières. Shortly after the start, the group stretches little by little over the kilometres. In front, the mulled wine group, in a hurry to get to Fernand, who makes the clods of earth fly by furiously beating the ground with the sticks. At the back, the group of wise men who do their best to slow down these impetuous young whippersnappers at the front, ready to put their health in danger.
By the northern highway, towards Pontcarré, which we bypass around mid-morning. Over the kilometers, the two groups end up achieving an accordionist synthesis! Return by the mountain of Ferrières that some attack by the direct way in the north face, in spite of the firn of mud which covers the slippery surface. And without studs. Hats off to the artists. Return without incident. But with a suspicious speed, where the stretches are completely thrown into oblivion! There's mulled wine in the air. Indeed, the group ends up being complete at Fernand's. A hot and fragrant spring has sprung up in its basement, and we are filling the cups there. It is said to be a miraculous source that heals aches and frostbite. We must believe that we present all these symptoms, because the flow of the source is barely enough to satisfy the curists. After a few minutes and several cups later, it's a friendly and lively hubbub that brings us together. Especially since we mop up the mulled wine with the pastry sweets that each other has kindly brought. We are so comfortable in this atmosphere at Fernand's, that it will take two CRS companies to dislodge us, and force us to return home. We leave this beautiful atmosphere with regret, promising to start again as soon as possible.
Thank you all for your sporty and friendly participation. Thanks to Fernand, Richard and Yvon for the welcome and the preparation of this festive moment. We really need it right now!! I wish you with all my heart a good end of year celebrations, and look forward to seeing you next year, for those who will not be able to be present by then.
Jean Daniel Gasparini
Mont Griffon, December 11
Torcy, November 13
Today, a great Nordic walk with 15 brave people who faced the drizzle, the showers of Torcy, escaped the FRANCONI circus, and crossed the Marne twice, all with a hell of a "flat from flat" drop, but still a little over 12 km. Congratulations to all, and thank you for this appreciated moment of sharing, on the ground and on the WApp group "La MN duSaturday".
Attached is the map of your route!!! The truth.
Jean-Daniel Gasparini
Rentilly, November 6
Under a light morning breeze, 20 Nordic walkers walked the paths of Rentilly park, and crossed magnificent trees, more than a hundred years old. With the help of the sun, we were also able to take advantage of the fall colors in formation. At the end of the course, we witnessed the installation of a "Ecuroduct", intended to facilitate the crossing of the road, for squirrels.
A very pleasant outing.
Jean-Yves Philippe
Noisiel, October 2
A dynamic session for the first group, accompanied by a Haka, to certainly impress the possible adversaries. And a rather discovery session, for newcomers and intermediates, with a visit to the Vaires sur Marne leisure center, venues for the 2024 Olympics (Rowing, Kayaking, etc.). A good outing in the sun.
Jean-Yves Philippe